If you have uncomfortable pelvic pressure, painful menstrual cycles, or other symptoms of fibroids, effective solutions are available. The experienced interventional radiologists at RIA Endovascular, with offices in Greenwood Village and Windsor, Colorado, offer uterine fibroid embolization to alleviate painful symptoms and restore your quality of life. To learn more, contact the office by phone or schedule an appointment online today.
Uterine fibroid embolization is a procedure to shrink uterine fibroids. Because it’s minimally invasive, it’s an excellent alternative to major procedures like hysterectomies or myomectomies.
Fibroids are growths on the uterus that vary in size and shape and are often harmless. However, they can place pressure on vital organs and even make you look pregnant. Seek prompt medical care if you have sharp, rapid-onset pelvic pain.
Uterine fibroids are quite common and usually develop during a woman’s fertile years. Commons symptoms include:
It can be a relief to know that uterine fibroids are almost always noncancerous and not associated with a higher risk of uterine cancer. Women may still seek to have them removed to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms.
Avoid solid food and most beverages for at least eight hours before your procedure. Water is fine until two hours prior. Plan for your procedure to take about an hour, and even though you will be minimally sedated, have someone drive you home.
During uterine fibroid embolization at RIA Endovascular, your provider inserts a catheter through your femoral artery and into the blood vessels feeding the fibroids. They then inject tiny particles into these targeted areas to stop blood flow in precisely the right spot, causing the fibroids to shrink over time.
Most people recover quickly from this procedure. You can expect pelvic pain and a lingering sensation of pressure, and you may experience flu-like symptoms, such as fever and low energy.
Your first menstrual cycle afterward is likely to be heavier and less comfortable than usual, and you may spot between cycles as the fibroids shrink and your body recovers.
Overall, however, the procedure has an excellent track record, with 90% of patients having dramatically improved quality of life and only 5-10% needing repeated embolization or alternative procedures.
Talk to the team about how uterine fibroid embolization can relieve your persistent fibroid symptoms. Reach out to RIA Endovascular by phone or online today.